Thursday, November 03, 2005

How Nerdy

Brian, a good friend of mine, recently sent me a link to a test titled How Nerdy Are You. Now, I'm not normally the type to fill out random surveys online, but I figured I'd give it a try. For those that don't know me I could, if one were so inclined, be called a nerd or a geek (not the kind that bites the heads off live chickens mind you). I'm actually somewhat proud of my geek status as it gives me mad street cred with the other computer programmers and software developers. In fact, I actually had considered myself a fairly big geek until I met Brian.

Brian makes me look like a technology neophyte. Of the people I know personally, Brian is by far the geekiest of the bunch. He is the only person I know that can spend 45 minutes on a monologue describing the relative merits of different object relational mapping schemes without pausing for breath. Until he moved out of state, Brian and I would spend many a morning (and quite a few lunches at BW3) chatting about anything and everything that would come to mind. In true nerd fashion we implemented a stack in our day to day conversations to help us avoid losing topics. If you don't know what a stack is you may not be a geek (or at least not a computer geek). OK, if you're really interested you can find out what a stack is here.

Back to the survey... you do remember the survey don't you? I'd hate to lose you with this discussion of stacks and object relational mapping. I took the survey and found myself in the 80th percentile. Twenty percent of the population is, apparently, more nerdy than I am. Of course my low score may be based on my poor speed of light answer. I won't spoil it for you though... take the test. Just remember that multiple answers may be correct, some more so than others. Take the test and enjoy! Post a comment and let me know how you did...


Blogger Roland St. Jude said...

Great post! Finally, a post that shows the kind of fungi, I mean fun guy, that you are. That Brian guy is a paragon of technogeekitude, I mean he left a poker game to write code! But don't worry Jason, you're still my favorite uber-geek.

That test was tough. I only scored in the 15th percentile, so I am less nerdy than 85 percent of the population. I find that hard to believe. Still, I think that my true nerdiness just managed to evade detection by this test. I suspect the nerd points that I did get in this test came from my high level of education and my ability to recognize a picture of Issac Newton.

To get some of my own geek street cred, I'm going to suggest that you adjust the target attributes on your links to: target="_blank" so that when I follow links from your page I don't lose your blog. I'm just sayin'.

11/03/2005 11:25 PM  
Blogger Susan said...

That was fun. I scored in the 85th percentile of nerdliness. Only 15% of the population can beat my level of nerd-dom. But we all had a pretty good idea about that didn't we? I mean I do actually have a preferred calculator brand, know most of the periodic table of the elements (its more art than anything else, seriously I could go on about it for quite some time), and I actually have a microscope (I only wish I had a telescope). One of the things I noticed about Wilma was that it was prime star watching as the light pollution was nearly zero. But I want to know what I got wrong! Where does it tell you what you got wrong. How can I learn from my mistakes? Um...ok so I really am a nerd. I had better go to bed now.

Plus, I totally told Dave about the target blank thing. He is trying to steal my nerd points.

11/03/2005 11:42 PM  
Blogger KzooJason said...

It definitely checks for a certain kind of nerdness. I'm not shocked by either of your scores (although I'm a bit bummed that Susan beat me... I need to buy a microscope). I think Dave could have scored higher on the test had it incorporated role playing and sci fi knowledge. Since it didn't we can simply lord our nerdness over him and revel in the glorious glow of being huge nerds.

11/04/2005 7:52 AM  
Blogger Anne said...

"I am nerdier than 54% of all people."

Man, I am only half a nerd. That bums me out. In my defense, I have to say that Jason's right - this test is skewed to a certain type of nerd. If there had been any grammar geek or DDC (Dewey Decimal) questions on there, I would've gotten a much better score.

11/04/2005 6:31 PM  
Blogger KzooJason said...

Hi Anne, good to see you 'round these parts. You know what they say, half a nerd is better than none :)

11/04/2005 9:46 PM  
Blogger Anne said...

Hee - very true!

11/05/2005 8:17 AM  

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