Sunday, March 12, 2006

Dave the Food Guy

Sunday night after our last day of the scuba class Dave made dinner. Susan and I knew that he was preparing a gourmet dinner which sounded pretty good to us since we were pretty hungry. We had just enough time to rinse our gear and get cleaned up before dinner was ready.

Before I describe dinner I need to give a bit of Dave's history. Dave has always been interested in food. He and I are both fans of shows on the Food Network. We both have an appreciation for fine dining. Dave's always been the kind to experiment with food. Back in college these experiments weren't always as successful as they are today. I can recall the demolition of a blender by orangicide as well as some mashed potatoes with sugar (which makes a really nice goo). I'm happy to report that Dave's culinary skills have improved greatly over the years and the dinner on Sunday night was great proof of that fact.

Dave prepared Cornish game hens. Each of us had our own little bird which was cool. Each bird was perfectly done and incredibly juicy thanks to the brine that Dave had prepped the birds in. Each bird was stuffed with sage, garlic, rosemary, and lemon. They were also basted with a lemon/honey glaze that also topped the cornbread that was served as a side.

Dave had prepared an artichoke... if you haven't had a whole artichoke before I recommend trying it. That being said I recommend having someone else prepare it for you. Preparing artichokes is quite a bit of work for the amount of food you get. Dave did a fine job with it and I'm glad I had a chance to try a whole artichoke for the first time. There was also a nice savory sausage with the meal. It added a very nice accent to the hens.

There was also a baby spinach salad with homemade balsamic vinaigrette dressing, blue cheese, red onions, and chopped walnuts. The salad was particularly tasty and certainly seemed to justify Dave's happiness with the balsamic vinegar he had recently found.

For desert Dave prepared a wine glass with raspberry sorbet and filled with champagne. It was a cool looking, sweet, and tasty dessert. The entire meal was excellent. Dave's certainly come into his own as a cook. I'm sure it helps that with his new job he has more time to devote to cooking. Susan is certainly lucky to be the beneficiary of some fine meals.

To end the night Dave annihilated me at a game of Scrabble. What possessed me to play Scrabble with Dave I do not know... you'd think after so many years I'd know better.


Blogger Roland St. Jude said...

I still contend that the orange chicken was a good, savory dish that was underappreciated. (I think everyone was expecting super-sweet chinese takeout style orange chicken.) The cinnamon sugar potatoes were, admittedly, a serious culinary misstep.

That said, I'm glad you enjoyed the cornish hen meal. I had a great time while you were here, and I hope you visit again soon.

3/12/2006 10:47 PM  
Blogger Susan said...

Woot! A post (positive reinforcement, positive reinforcement, positive, reinforcement)!

I am really lucky though, I often wonder just how I got such a good deal. Oh, and you forgot to mention two things may have hampered your ability to play a game of Scrabble.

1. The numerous bottles (yes bottles) of wine consumed.
2. There are only so many words that you can spell with ALL vowels or ALL consonants.

3/12/2006 11:49 PM  
Blogger Henry Bierman said...

I too would like to add some positive reinforcement to Jason's post. I will not comment on how reading about the same meal for the third time was a tad boring...opps, just did...dang!

Good to hear from the Life of Jason again. Maybe now we can get caught up on the month that is missing.

3/13/2006 10:02 AM  

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