Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Queen on Idol

My dirty little secret is that I'm a big fan of American Idol. I TiVo every episode and have even been known to watch some performances more than once. This week was Queen week... each contestant sang a song from Queen's repertoire. As expected, there were some great, rocking performances. In the end I find myself terribly torn and unfortunately undecided.

Katharine McPhee sang Who Want's to Live Forever which was featured in the movie Highlander. As a big Highlander fan I have a soft spot in my heart for that song and she did a good job. On the other hand with songs like We Will Rock You and Bohemian Rhapsody in the mix I'm finding making a voting decision difficult.

For my friends that don't what Idol... you missed out. Queen week was great!


Blogger Henry Bierman said...

I also watched and it was rockin'. I think Ace was the worst. And "Who Wants to Live Forever" is not a great song but she sang it well. For me, the worst part was that there were only 8 contestents.

4/12/2006 9:08 AM  
Blogger Roland St. Jude said...

While I am a fan of both Queen and the Highlander franchise, I am not an American Idol watcher. Susan and I will occasionally watch the initial episodes of a season to see the really bad/sad performances, but beyond that I lose interest. I'm not sure if it's my inability to judge the talent of the contestants beyond "I like them" and "I don't like them" or my aversion to "reality TV" more generally, but I can't really stand the show. I always thought it was the latter, but recently I've been amused by a reality tv show in the same vein, but with a topic more to my liking, "The Next FoodNetwork Star." It's a blatant theft of concept, but it's some how more entertaining. Entertaining enough to be the first reality tv show since Real World I that I've been willing to watch.

Having said all that, I saw a small part of the "Queen episode" the other night and said (in my head) "hey that person is signing a Queen song." If I had known it was Queen night, I might have stuck around to watch. They really need to advertise things like that a little better.

(I think I may have set a new "record" for "most quotation marks in a single 'comment.'"

4/13/2006 10:01 AM  
Blogger The InstiKater said...

Yeah, but nobody sang "Queen Killer"?? That is obviously one of the best songs ever. I didn't have McPheever for her song, but I have a version with Andrew Lloyd Weber's wife (can't remember her name) that was way better (duh). I agree with Roland that it should have been better advertised. And really, do we expect these schmucks, however talented, to rival the amazing lyric talents of the great Freddie Mercury. Puh-leeze.

4/18/2006 8:53 PM  
Blogger Susan said...

Sarah Brightman, but they are no longer married.

4/19/2006 10:48 AM  

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