Saturday, November 19, 2005


I appear to have found my latest addiction. For those that don't know I have a certain propensity for finding some cool thing I'm interested in and dedicating altogether too much of my free time to it. On the bright side, I'm not hooked on sex, drugs, and rock and roll. On the down side, Sudoku appears to have some crack-like characteristics. After solving two or three of them I find myself sitting, with bloodshot eyes, at the computer in a dark room. When I check the clock I find that I seem to have misplaced a fairly serious amount of time.

What, you ask, is this Sudoku thing which has so consumed me? It's a simple, and apparently popular, numeric puzzle. For anyone willing to risk becoming addicted I recommend reading Solving Sudoku by Michael Mepham followed by solving some puzzles over at Sudoku Daily. If you don't want to read the long article, here's the synopsis. You have a nine by nine grid made of of nine three by three grids. Each row and column of the nine by nine grid has the numbers one through nine once and only once. Each three by three grid has the numbers one through nine once and only once. A bunch of the numbers are missing. Fill them in.

If you get bored there or if you're more of a spatial relationship person I'd also recommend I scored a 1017... how will you do?


Blogger Henry Bierman said...

I did not check your scores on the dork-o-meter at LoveFeast but I would be willing to guess that you would you say...ludicrisly high.

I will avoid this due to my own dorkiness score and propensity for addictive things.

Like the drummer from Spinal Tap said, "As long as I have the sex and drugs I could do without the rock and roll."

11/19/2005 2:51 PM  
Blogger Roland St. Jude said...

My head hurts from just looking at the grid. I didn't even get through the instructions. It reminds me of pre-calc class and doing determinants until my eyes bled. Numbers in rows - what? I never understood that. Nice try, but I will not be fooled back into that mental bear trap again.

11/19/2005 3:29 PM  

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