Friday, December 02, 2005

Fishing Kills

As I was preparing for Thanksmas I took a couple minutes to get online and see what's up in the world. I discovered that the world has lost it. We've all gone nuts. There was significant anecdotal evidence to this point but I finally found the proof I've been looking for. PETA has an article about a new comic that they are publishing. The article depicts a man (who looks like he's lost his mind) gutting a fish in truly gruesome fashion. Now, some who read this may well be vegeterians (hi Anne) and I certainly respect that. I can't, however, imagine that giving these kinds of gruesome pictures to children and telling them their father is a horrible killer is the best approach to teaching children that fishing and hunting is wrong. They may not fish but they'll be up all night worrying that their psychotic father is going to come kill them. My favorite line is towards the bottom, "Until your daddy learn's that it's not 'fun' to kill, keep your doggies and kitties away from him. He's so hooked on killing defenseless animals that they could be next!"


Blogger KzooJason said...

After I posted this I also found a link to Penn & Teller's show "Bullshit". It looks like a great show and they have an episode all about PETA. Did you know that PETA members aren't supposed to have pets? They are also, according to the show, against seeing eye dogs for the blind. The dog should be free to choose what he does and should not be enslaved by the mean blind person. OK, I'll step down off my soap box now...

12/02/2005 6:49 PM  
Blogger Anne said...

Hey there! Thanks for the shout-out! :D Speaking for vegetarians everywhere-- well, really only for myself --I have to say that I have no big thing with people killing animals. If they want to eat something that icky-looking (and smelling!) that's their deal. Just don't make me eat it. Extremism in most any form is Not Cool in my book, and that stuff definitely qualifies. I would defend a person's right to their own crazy beliefs as long as they're not hurting anyone and not trying to make everyone else believe in the wacky shit they're into. I can also say that Brodie and Logan both told me that they like being pets, even if they were given the choice to run free with the wind or whatever these nutters think they might want to do (run free with the starving and getting run over by cars is more likely). Anyway, I appreciate the shout-out and wanted to chime in. I fully support your right to eat icky fish any day of the week! Just watch out for whatever it is that fish has in it nowadays that makes it unsafe for preggy ladies to eat. Seems like whatever it is would make it unsafe for everyone else, too.

12/02/2005 10:13 PM  
Blogger KzooJason said...

I hadn't heard about the problem with pregnant women eating fish but Google (well, Google and indirectly the FDA) tell me that it's Mercury. Apparently it's a particular problem when eating fish that eat other fish as they accumulate higher levels of methylmercury. It certainly does seem as if it'd be bad for everyone else if it's bad for pregnant women.

The solution may actually be to walk all those fish eaters through Chinatown. A five minute stroll down Stockton in San Francisco is enough to convince my stomach that eating anything, much less fish, is a really bad idea...

12/02/2005 10:35 PM  
Blogger Susan said...

Yeah, those PETA people are nutters (coming from a person who worked at a humane society). Bleys told me that he agrees with Brogan, like totally. He also only wishes he was cool enough (and could concentrate-for-more-than-a-minute enough) to be a seeing eye dog or any other service animal.

The mercury thing is a problem for everyone just more so for pregnant women. The problem with fish is that we eat carnivorous fish (think about it, we don't really eat land animals that are carnivores as much) and each time we eat something that ate some other living thing and so on, all the toxins are concentrated for our enjoyment. The effects are especially noticeable in eagles and other predatory birds. Think Silent Spring (people should read it - seriously).

I'm not a vegetarian, but the world can support WAY more of them than carnivores or even omnivores. Each time you go up a trophic level (sun to plant, plant to cow, cow to person) you lose 90% of the available energy! So when you eat steak (mmmm...steak) you are only getting 10% of 10% of 10% of the available energy. So it takes a LOT of plant matter to make up one itty bitty steak. But like I said I'm not a vegetarian, so shame, shame, shame on me (mmmm...steak).

Biology teacher, who?

12/02/2005 11:33 PM  
Blogger Susan said...

One word: Unacceptable.

It has been very long time since you updated us on your life and logic. It makes me sad.

12/28/2005 11:25 PM  

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