Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Vacation is Imminent

Wow, in looking back at my blog it seems the last time I posted I was hanging out with Dave and Susan down in Florida. It seems appropriate to post now since I'm headed back down that way next week. The three of us are going to spend the week at Disney World... the first time I've been there in over two decades.

The interesting part of the whole thing is that I just got back from a week long business trip to California. As a result, I'm working to get caught up before I leave again next week. It would be a bit easier if I wasn't going to be in an all-day meeting tomorrow... you have to love all day meetings :)

I'm looking forward to the Disney fun. We'll be there during the annual Food and Wine Festival which should mean lots of good food, good wine, and generally good times!



Blogger Susan said...

We are very excited to see you. Then after you get back I'm going to be coming up to Michigan for a visit...who knows, maybe I will be there for Thanksmas?

10/31/2007 9:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

good to hear from you on the blog-o-sphere again.

11/13/2007 8:15 PM  

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